Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's funny how many people go after the degrees that yield high paying jobs, but not many people go after jobs that actually matter. In my opinion dealing with people is the best business to be in. It's not perfect, but its perfectible. Numbers rule the world, but who rules the numbers? We have parents that shouldn't be parents, parents that work their butts off to provide what they can, and parents that are just doing the basics if they have money. But however you look at it, it takes a village to raise a child. In order for a child to grow up to be a productive member of society, he or she must be surrounded by enough of the right people. When we have "bad" teachers it can have multiple effects on a child's development. If we want to increase competition to bring the best out of each other, we need to focus more on the human aspect and surrounding ourselves and our loved ones with the right people. That's the main reason why I could never work in accounting or retail. What I end up doing may not pay a lot of money, but at least I'll be in a field where I can help develop human beings so that we can work toward fundamentally changing the negative things in this world. "Bad" teachers, "good" teachers, "mediocre" teachers, all teachers deserve more credit than they are given. They are dedicating part of their lives to educating youth yet in the U.S. the only people glorified are the winners of sports championships. Where are our priorities? As a society we are stuck in the LA mentality. Everything has to appear good in order to be considered favorable and acceptable. People are so focused on money, and we are too distracted by internet and texting, that we are turning into a living fabrication. That's why we are so behind in education. Of course there are countless other factors that play an intricate part to our society's downfall, but I choose to point my finger (up) at the idea that education is not high enough on the priority list. But confidence and fashion is what we know best right?

Maybe you can connect with me on this. Maybe you can't. Maybe you glanced over this and missed something so now you are confused. However you look at it, many of the world's problems, and the U.S.'s problems are easily difficult.

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