Friday, February 18, 2011


Don't take medicine if you think you have a "cold." Why? Because most of it doesn't really do much to benefit you. The negatives outweigh the positives. The negatives include becoming dependent on it and ending up like House. All you need to do is tell yourself that you are not sick. The brain is a powerful tool that controls your body. It's mind over matter. You have to be in control of your brain. Just like in sports you can will your way to success, I believe you can will your way to avoid getting sick. I have some of the worst health habits--not getting enough hours of sleep, not eating right, not exercising, etc--and I've been sick only once in the past two years. I could say that my immune system is state-of-the-art (and I will), but I think most of it comes from me telling myself I can't get sick. I don't have the time to get sick. I have too much on my plate to be slowed down. I refuse. If more people had this mentality they could essentially will their immune systems to work harder. Don't turn into Mr./Mrs. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson on Unbreakable).

But also I am young still. I hope my immune system doesn't burn out in a few years. But shoot, who knows what may happen. Sometimes these things can just be described as easily difficult.

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